Upcoming Events

Hey Penguins,I hope some of you have my twitter followed I have a YouTube now.Not many videos and some are over 10 minutes but soon they will be shorter.This post is about the new upcoming events.They don't edit club penguin and add new stuff so i cant post much every week/month.
This weeks post is from club penguins staff.They always have new posts on Whats New around the time there is a new newspaper.

Today's edition in the newspaper is the new play coming(FEB 12)
Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

There are lots of thing coming and the best and most awesome thing is the penguin style catalog.(Member Feature Only)(Feb 5)
I don't think the customize your shirt will be there I think it was a limited time only.

New music released for you igloo(Member Feature Only) (Jan 28)

There is lot coming up in the Puffle Shop(pet shop)New furniture(Member Feature Only).(Feb 12)
What they don't want you to know is that there will be a new puffle with it.Many believe it is Orange and some Brown.I believe it gonna be Brown.

Now this post is early and I know no one else has this I checked.In march Club penguin will have the new Sports Calalog.(Member feature only)(March 1-19)

Cave Closed until further notice.They wanted to close the cave for inspection and to make sure nothin will fall on the penguins.(Fourth room closed and only a member feature)

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